Living, Zábava

Chcete si zariadiť byt ako zo seriálu Teória Veľkého Tresku? Podľa týchto fotiek si ho viete zariadiť!


Vedeli by ste si predstaviť aké by to bolo žiť v byte kde žijú Leonard Hofstadter, Sheldon Cooper, Howard Wolowitz a Raj Koothrappali po boku krásnej susedky Penny? Vďaka fotkám nižšie si takúto predstavu môžete dopriať aj vy. Stačí ak si viete poradiť a podľa fotiek takýto byt aj zariadiť. 😉

The Big Bang Theory Apartments 2014 [001]

The Big Bang Theory Apartments 2014 [002]

The Big Bang Theory Apartments 2014 [003]

The Big Bang Theory Apartments 2014 [004]

The Big Bang Theory Apartments 2014 [005]

The Big Bang Theory Apartments 2014 [006]

The Big Bang Theory Apartments 2014 [007]

The Big Bang Theory Apartments 2014 [008]

The Big Bang Theory Apartments 2014 [009]

The Big Bang Theory Apartments 2014 [010]

The Big Bang Theory Apartments 2014 [011]

The Big Bang Theory Apartments 2014 [012]

The Big Bang Theory Apartments 2014 [013]

The Big Bang Theory Apartments 2014 [014]

The Big Bang Theory Apartments 2014 [015]

The Big Bang Theory Apartments 2014 [016]

The Big Bang Theory Apartments 2014 [017]

The Big Bang Theory Apartments 2014 [018]

The Big Bang Theory Apartments 2014 [019]

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